
Design Phase

The “pre-design” phase is the initial stage in the architectural design process where we collaborate with clients to gather information and comprehend the project’s requirements and objectives.

  • Client’s brief requirement
  • Sketch Ideas
Design Phase
Conceptual Phase

Conceptual Phase

In the conceptual phase, we concentrate on developing initial ideas and fundamental concepts. The objective of this phase is to transform the client’s vision and requirements into ideas that can be materialized in the form of a design.

  • Site Plan
  • Layout Plan
  • Spatial Program
  • 3D Visualization
  • Building Cost Estimation

Working Drawing Phase

In the Working Drawing phase, the focus is on producing highly detailed and specific technical documents required to commence and complete construction.

  • Detail Architectural Drawing
  • Structural Drawing
Working Drawing Phase
Supervision and Construction Phase

Supervision and Construction Phase

This phase ensures that the developed design is implemented accurately and in accordance with established standards.

  • Daily Progress (Site Report)
  • Photo and Video Documentation
  • Meeting Notes and Communication (Minutes of Meeting)
  • 24/7 CCTV surveillance on site

Design Phase

Design Phase

The “pre-design” phase is the initial stage in the architectural design process where we collaborate with clients to gather information and comprehend the project’s requirements and objectives.

  • Client’s brief requirement
  • Sketch Ideas

Conceptual Phase

Conceptual Phase

In the conceptual phase, we concentrate on developing initial ideas and fundamental concepts. The objective of this phase is to transform the client’s vision and requirements into ideas that can be materialized in the form of a design.

  • Site Plan
  • Layout Plan
  • Spatial Program
  • 3D Visualization
  • Building Cost Estimation

Working Drawing Phase

Working Drawing Phase

In the Working Drawing phase, the focus is on producing highly detailed and specific technical documents required to commence and complete construction.

  • Detail Architectural Drawing
  • Structural Drawing

Supervision and Construction Phase

Supervision and Construction Phase

This phase ensures that the developed design is implemented accurately and in accordance with established standards.

  • Daily Progress (Site Report)
  • Photo and Video Documentation
  • Meeting Notes and Communication (Minutes of Meeting)
  • 24/7 CCTV surveillance on site